- 2017: Panevėžys University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technological Sciences, Panevėžys, Lithuania, 19-24. Sep 2017, Erasmus+ staff mobility
- 2016: Santarém Polytechnic Institute, Management and Technology School, Department of Computer Science Quantitative Methods, Santarém, Portugal, 4-12. Nov 2016, Erasmus+ staff mobility
- 2016: 3D Graphics Professional Days, Dennis Gabor College, Budapest, Hungary, 19-21. Apr 2016, organizer of the conference for the Erasmus+ staff mobility from the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
- 2015: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 27. Nov-4. Dec 2015, Erasmus+ staff mobility
- 2015: 3D Graphics Professional Days, Dennis Gabor College, Budapest, Hungary, 21-22. Apr 2015, organizer of the conference for the Erasmus+ staff mobility from the St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
- 2014: Groupe ESAIP (École supérieure angevine en informatique et productique), Angers, France, 24-30. Nov 2014, Erasmus+ staff mobility
- 2014: Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP), TRADIGME – Tradigital Media Marketing & Online Business with Social Media, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Virrat, Finland, 30. Mar-10. Apr 2014, Erasmus staff mobility
- 2012: Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP), DIGISOMEMAR – Digital, social and mobile media in marketing, internet and IT applications & management of M- and E-business, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Virrat, Finland, 15-26. Apr 2012, Erasmus staff mobility
- 2010: Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme (IP), MOBILE AND INTERACTIVE MARKETING, IT FOR CONVERGENCE INTERNET MARKETING & eBUSINESS MANAGEMENT, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Virrat, Finland, 11-22. Apr 2010, Erasmus staff mobility
- 2008: Technological Educational Institute, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20-29. Sep 2008, Erasmus staff mobility
Details in Hungarian: Erasmus+ program